Today was rather____. All day I felt like I needed to catch my breath. I felt so hurried and rushed. 2 students decided that they wanted to go above and beyond to be disruptive and rude. 1 blatantly disregarded my request and the other pushed me. Granted it did not hurt but really? Lord, I'm not 100% sure why you let me experience this job, but its getting easier and easier to want to walk away from it all. I said that I was going to approach this year with the mentaility that I am here on a mission from you. I know that there are accounts in the Bible where you were mistreated and I do not know how you dealt with this mess. I need guidance with a capital G. I dislike this type of treatment, but I do not know what to do. Everytime it happens I feel helpless and confused. Unsure of what to do next. OAN: She_(Tasha)________. I can't stand talking to her sometimes. Hence the reason why I only call her when I need something which is very rare. I prefer to just find an alternative solution. Uuggggghhhhhh!!!!!
Question: What do I do when things are going wrong? How do I move from being helpless to powerful? What do I do with this kids and their behavior? How should I react?
Prayer: Thank you Lord for being my example. Thank you for coming to earth and giving us a second chance at life. Help me to be more like you during my stay. Help me to be more loving, kind, caring, and strong. In Jesus name.
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