I didn't get to write on Thursday or Friday. I was extreeeemly busy. Between getting everything ready for the trip and actually driving, I was exhausted. So now that I have a few minutes of quite time, I decided to write. I've been having issues with Eddie. Not issues that he knows about. It's mostly internal. I've been secretly cursing him (not with profanity) and then on the drive up here, I heard Joyce Meyer say something so profound. It's amazing how God uses old books, tapes, the Bible and even a conversation to speak to you. Well, she said that we need to be God pleasers and not people pleasers. That part didn't really stick out until she said that we as people are so used to running to others when we need something or someone to talk to and even when someone is bothering use we run to complain and/or gossip. She said if your sad or feel uneasy about a situation just run to God. He'll be able to help you better than the other person will anyway. People are human, therefore, they will disappoint. God on the other hand is not human so he won't disappoint you. So basically you could save yourself a lot of headache if you just run to God for everything and not man. That hit home because whenever I drive home from work I'm always searching for someone I can talk to not even realizing that God is right there and he is always available for me to talk to. Eddie may not have intentionally ignored me, I basically set him up. I tested him and he didn't know he was being tested. Whether our friendship will last is not as important as me learning how to treat him and others.
Confessions: Lord, please forgive me for looking over you and not acknowledging you in various situations. I know that you want to be apart of every aspect of my life and I am not allowing you to. Lord, I need you in my life. I need regular communication and communion with you. I confess my lack of faithfulness in seeking you. Make my hunger for you so great that my only response can be falling on my knees before you. In Jesus name I pray.
My priority in life should be God, family, church, (work*, friends*).
*not quite sure about this order.